Trick or treat? Our 2020 Halloween 3D Printed Model

3D print assistant James trick or treats you to his Halloween models
Halloween means one thing to us at the Bureau – an excuse to make some spooky prints! We can’t get enough of these designs that our 3D print assistant James Carlisle cooked up in his cauldron.
Hi James! How do you feel the prints came out?
I was really pleased with the superior surface quality and accurate colour of these prints, the J55 system continues to impress me.
What software did you use to design these prints?
The 3D CAD model was designed in Autodesk Fusion 360. I then applied colour texture maps to the skeleton’s chest and his trick or treat basket in Netfabb.
What made Fusion 360 your software of choice?
Fusion 360 is a very capable CAD software with a comprehensive set of tools, many of which are well designed with additive manufacturing in mind. It is very user friendly with an incredibly accessible user interface, in addition to this, it is updated regularly with new features making it a very robust CAD/CAM package.
What did you process the CAD design with ready for print?
The CAD files I created were checked in Netfabb Ultimate, however, using Fusion 360 all files had exported with zero errors. I then processed my colour CAD data in GrabCAD Print software ready for printing on the J55. The figure’s hands were processed in Objet Studio ready to be printed on the Objet Connex 2 500 system.
Why did you choose to use the J55 and Connex?
The J55 and Connex PolyJet systems allowed me to produce very high-resolution models with full colour and superior surface quality.
How long did the prints take to finish?
The J55 models took a total of 8 hours to print and the flexible hands took just under an hour to print on the connex 500 system, another benefit of PolyJet technology; it’s very fast!
Did you enjoy the project?
Yes, it was great to re-visit an old design of mine. It’s always fun making something fun like this model and I always enjoy seeing my designs come to life in 3D, being able to physically hold it.
Finally, what’s your favourite part of Halloween?
I’ve always been a big fan of pumpkin carving 😊